About Star

Picture of Star

Random facts about me:

		Pronouns: She/her
		Astrological sign: Sagittarius
		Region: North America
		Age: 20
		Favorite color: Blue (sometimes red sneeks in though)
		Favorite animal: Dinosaur (alpacas are pretty cool too)
		Favorite food: Sandwiches (I have yet to meet anyone who does not like sandwiches)
		Favorite videogame: Animal Crossing New Horizions and Apex Legends
		Hobbies: Taking care of my plants, crafts, crocheting, videogames, collecting records

More About Me

		I am currently a Junior at California State Fullerton. My major is computer 
		Science. I am not single, I have a wonderful boyfriend whom I love. My boyfriend 
		is also helping me with this website, you can check his website out here 

About this Website

		Okay so that was who am I now why this website? Well school... 
		Yea this website is starting off because of a school assignment but I am hoping
		to add a lot more to this website as time goes on. Some features I am thinking 
		about adding are:
				* Plant picking feature
				* Catalog of my plants
				* A log/blog where I can just post random pictures of my fish or my plants
				* Playlist of the month
				* Other possible pages?
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